Wealth Comparison

Understanding how your net worth compares can provide valuable perspective on your financial journey and help inform your long-term financial planning. Our Wealth Comparison Tool allows you to see where your net worth ranks within your selected region, providing insight into your overall financial position.
Simply enter your total net worth and select your desired scope to see how you compare. Your information remains completely private and is not stored - we only use it to generate your immediate comparison results.


Frequently Asked Questions

Net worth percentile indicates the position of an individual's net worth relative to the rest of the population. For instance, being in the 80th percentile means your net worth is higher than 80% of individuals.

Net worth is calculated by subtracting total liabilities (debts) from total assets (what you own). The formula is: Net Worth = Total Assets – Total Liabilities.

The data for this tool came from World Inequality Database.

Assets include cash, investments, real estate, and personal property. Liabilities encompass debts such as mortgages, car loans, credit card balances, and student loans.

Yes, if your liabilities exceed your assets, your net worth will be negative, indicating more debt than owned assets.

Net worth typically increases with age as individuals have more time to accumulate assets and pay down debts. Therefore, net worth percentiles are often analyzed within specific age groups for more accurate comparisons.